Is Belltown history?

Belltown – like much of Seattle – is quickly becoming gentrified with highrise “market rate” apartments and numerous hotel projects. We are subjected to large influxes of cruise ship tourists and much of our housing has been lost to vacation rentals. Small businesses that cater to locals cannot afford the extreme commercial rents demanded by private equity land owners. Belltown used to be the chill “back alley” of Downtown, where a large portion of downtown workforce lived and played. It was also a place where people just starting out – or changing course – could and would move to – greatly contributing to the neighborhoods vitality.

But no more.  In this process of neighborhood development, we are losing many of our most precious historic properties – as well as the historic workforce and low-income population that has given Belltown its unique style and culture.

Friends of Historic Belltown represents the historic Belltown workforce and associated cultures and countercultures. We support landmark nominations, including the successful nominations of the Wayne Apartments, Mama’s Mexican Kitchen, The Franklin Apartments, The Sheridan Apartments, The Griffin Building, and The White Garage.

We also help tell the story of Belltown, which helps us to better understand the present – and to better support the people who are not on the winning side of the current “economy”

We are actively pursuing initiatives to support the downtown Seattle workforce and other Belltown peeps, with an emphasis on maintaining the existing stock of semi-affordable housing remaining in Belltown. We also are actively building our community by hosting “Occupy Belltown” events, such as temporary art parks and discussion forums held on public space within the mean streets of Belltown.


FHB’s executive team: historic archivist Beck (left) and our lead community advocate and president, Tiffany!

Our slogan: It Starts on Second!



NOTE: Friends of Historic Belltown is a CASH FREE community. In lieu of donations to us: FHB requests that donations be given to Historic Seattle, who have provided SO MUCH HELP to us in our efforts.  Please consider donating at   Tell them it’s in support of their great work for protecting Belltown’s valuable historic properties!