The City of Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections is currently reviewing the Master Use Permit application (click here to learn what a “MUP” is) for the proposed redevelopment of what is arguably the heart of the Belltown community – 2nd Ave between Bell and Blanchard (from Rocco’s Pizza to Tula’s).
The project is currently in the review phase, which may take another year.
Friends of Historic Belltown will be submitting comments that ask that the City’s review consider and document the following adverse impacts:
- Loss of a historic building (the Wayne Apartments)
- Loss of affordable housing
- Changes to neighborhood character within an area central to the Belltown community
- Loss and displacement of Seattle’s Downtown Work Force culture
- Loss of anchor business (some of which have already been lost or moved due to leases not being renewed)
- Impacts to the historic brick alley
- Impacts from cars in the alley and Belltown traffic
- Disruption during construction
We are also asking that the project’s impacts be considered cumulatively with the Mama’s property redevelopment. Most importantly, we will be asking that these impacts be evaluated, documented, and mitigated.
Mitigation options/recommendations will include:
- Eliminating or greatly reducing parking to reduce rents and to help make Belltown a WALKING neighborhood
- Preserving and restoring the historic brick alleyway
- Funding to help existing businesses that need assistance to relocate
- Funding (through BCC) for (1) A workforce housing study and plan for Belltown and (2) a historic property inventory and plan for Belltown. Funding for the studies and plans by the project applicant would help offset the adverse impacts of the project on the Belltown Community, including the loss of an area considered to be the HEART of Belltown’s historic workforce culture.
If you care about Belltown, PLEASE consider sending comments by January 13 that request that impacts from demolishing long-time heart of Belltown be evaluated, documented, and mitigated. Including personal info about your connection to this key block of Belltown and the values and community it provides to you are also helpful.
Comments should be provided by January 13th to Reference project 3033991-LU, 2224 2nd Ave.
To find information about the project, you can Google search: 2226 2nd Ave Project SDCI # 3033958-EG, or go to:
SEPA information is available on SDCI’s Permit and Property Records, searching for Record Number 3033991-LU
You can also call the SDCI Planner: JOSEPH HURLEY – (206) 684-8278
Friends of Historic Belltown contact : Steve Hall, 206.450.1979